Freebee increases productivity by 250%

Freebee increases productivity by 250% with the addition of Atritor Cell Mills, creating new business opportunities and expanding into several new business sectors.
Freebee A/S process and supply specialty chemicals and minerals to the primary and secondary aluminium industry, steel foundry, cement and abrasive sectors. They were founded in Denmark in 2006 and currently supplies 30 countries on several continent from their production facility in Nyborg Denmark.

Freebee initially had two external toll-milling partnerships for the drying and grinding of materials, supplying their packing facility in Denmark. Due to extensive lead times, poor and/or unreliable sampling, testing and analysis of products, the packaging facility’s output and success were dependent on these partners. To enable future growth and expansion into other segments, Freebee saw the need to improve supply consistency and strengthen its overall business.
Freebee saw a potential solution by investing in and expanding its own machine park. By gaining full control over production, it would ensure the timely delivery of data and sampling necessary to maintain a consistent product and the supply-flow that are critical in the fast-paced aluminium and steel Industries.
Freebee approached three suppliers to assess their technology and after extensive testing, the Atritor Cell Mill was chosen. This was due to the simplicity of blade design, in addition to Atritor’s collaborative approach. The integral blade design in the Atritor mill provided a better overall performance than offered by the alternatives.
Freebee’s fully modernized Nyborg Facility is remotely monitored 24/7, to ensure the consistent quality of production. The facility is equipped with robotics and currently has two Atritor Cell Mills, with its third to come on-line in 2022.
Atritor evaluated product samples in their Pilot Plant to design and manufacture the Cell Mill to best match Freebee’s needs. Once the first Cell Mill was installed and commissioned in Denmark, the two companies worked collaboratively to refine and improve the bespoke design, to optimize performance. For instance, laser blades were installed to overcome the cumulative nature of the abrasive chemicals, to reduce maintenance downtime. This close relationship ensures that the third Cell Mill has been developed and improved to increase performance even further.
Atritor started to collaborate with them in 2017, and now they have expanded their Nyborg Facility with a third Atritor Cell Mill to come on-line this year.
By switching from toll milling to their own equipment, Freebee was able to increase the capacity and simplicity of distribution for their customers leading to a 250% increase productivity. In recognition of their consistent growth, Freebee has been warded the Borsen Gazelle Award each year, for the last five years (2016-2021). The award is presented to Danish organizations that have had continuous and substantial business growth over the previous four years.
Now that Freebee has two Cell Mills with the installation of its third in 2022, they are planning to offer a toll milling service. The continual investment in its Nyborg Plant has provided growth and new business opportunities. Freebee is now particularly well placed to offer high quality services to customers that require chemical and mineral toll milling, as they have gained end-user experience from being a toll mill customer themselves. They fully understand the importance of flexibility, speed, and consistency of supply that are expected to ensure a successful toll milling partnership.

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